I've noticed, and I'm sure everyone else who uses powtty, that when you log in powtty it seems to hold commands you haven't hit enter (just typed at the prompt) in the log.
!f CRW Mana:Hot>sa
You hear the deep sound of a horn reverberating throughout the land.
!f CRW Mana:Hot>sa T
You hear the deep sound of a horn reverberating throughout the land.
!f CRW Mana:Hot>sa Two
You hear the deep sound of a horn reverberating throughout the land.
!f CRW Mana:Hot>sa Two tim
You hear the deep sound of a horn reverberating throughout the land.
!f CRW Mana:Hot>sa Two times.
You hear the deep sound of a horn reverberating throughout the land.
!f CRW Mana:Hot>
Anyone more familiar with powtty know if there is any way to negate this? It can be a HUGE pain when editing spammy logs.
!# cW Mana:Burning>prac cur prac west
Alas, you cannot go that way...
prac !# cW Mana:Burning>prac north
Grand Hallway
prac Exits: (north), east, south, west.
prac !# cW Mana:Burning>prac Grand Hallway
prac Exits: north, east, south, west.
And no, I have no idea how to fix this (and I doubt that it is possible with anything less than some change to the source code for PowTTY). I guess it could be possible to do some work-around by having some other application "snoop" on PowTTY and copy all its output... but I don't know any such application and I guess that gets more complicated than you would like it to be.