I haven't used mmapper for some time, but I remember that last time I used it, it worked well. With my latest attempts, however, there seem to be an awful lot of inexplicable sync problems. I am using mmapper-2.0.4-final2-Windows-x86.exe, with spam on, brief off, xml on
One example of these strange sync errors is the pit south of Harlond:
Code: Select all
!.~ c>l
A Sand Pit
A sturdy pack horse is standing here.
A seagull is soaring above you.
!.~ c>down
In a Dark Hole
A huge black fungus is here, exuding a foul stench.
Exits: north, (up).
![ c>north
A Damp Passage
Exits: (north), south.
![ c>north
A Slimy Tunnel
Exits: (south), west.
At this point the mapper has lost sync.
I only regain sync when I go back to 'In a Dark Hole'
That the sync gets lost in 'A slimy tunnel' is rather odd, because the room name and description sent by Mume seem to be identical to the ones in the database.
This is what I get when logging in via telnet:
Code: Select all
<movement dir=north/><room><name>A Slimy Tunnel
</name><description>The ceiling, walls and floor of this long tunnel are covered in green slime.
Long trails of slime run down from the ceiling making it difficult to pass
through this tunnel without getting some of it on oneself. Peculiar designs
on the floor suggest that something has recently disturbed the gooey mass.
The tunnel ends abruptly to the south and bends westwards into the darkness.
</description></room><exits>Exits: (south), west.
This is from the emulation mode in mmapper:
Code: Select all
A Slimy Tunnel
The ceiling, walls and floor of this long tunnel are covered in green slime.
Long trails of slime run down from the ceiling making it difficult to pass
through this tunnel without getting some of it on oneself. Peculiar designs
on the floor suggest that something has recently disturbed the gooey mass.
The tunnel ends abruptly to the south and bends westwards into the darkness.
A giant rat patters against you, squeaking maliciously.
Exits/emulated: {south}, west.
This kind of problem is quite common. It is as if for a random set of rooms, i cannot get sync whatever i try.