Powwow Questions
Powwow Questions
I've been using #capture and #movie and noticed that the logs don't seem to capture any of the "screen output" such as my special actions and the like. It only seems to capture the raw text coming directly from the mud. Is there any way to change this?
Re: Powwow Questions
You can achieve this by using external tool named "tee". E.g.:
Code: Select all
powwow | tee -a -i session.log
Re: Powwow Questions
Using tee and netcat you can do some pretty cool exporting of your current session... kind of creating mume tv for someone else to watch!
Locally you run mume:
Then you export the file to some client. I am using localhost and port 4000 as the destination:
And then on the client side:
Of course the ports need to be unblocked. Thanks Elestir for bringing this cool trick to my knowledge 

Locally you run mume:
Code: Select all
powwow config.pow | tee -i session.log
Code: Select all
tail -F session.log | tee | nc localhost 4000
Code: Select all
nc -l -p 4000

Last edited by Jahara on Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: did a s/netcat/nc/ since not all machines have that link :-)
Reason: did a s/netcat/nc/ since not all machines have that link :-)
Re: Powwow Questions
I just yesterday tested some new font types for powwow (in linux). I have been using fixed font for some time now, but wanted to test some truetype fonts. I used to use powtty before and I always liked the font it had. So, I downloaded the font and installed it and actually managed to make it work in xterm. I think it is easy to read etc., but I will have to experiment a little bit with the font size. Also Freemono is other good truetype font.
What fonts you people have been usually using? Just the default fixed type or something else? Any recommendations?
What fonts you people have been usually using? Just the default fixed type or something else? Any recommendations?
Re: Powwow Questions
A fixed width font is a must to be able to view ASCII art, such as whoises and in-game maps, properly. It is also important to anyone who want lists and tables (in help files, for instance), to be intelligible.
Politicians are wise and benevolent and will gladly sacrifice themselves for the common good. Anyone who implies that there might exist dishonest politicians is obviously a terrorist who should be locked up indefinitely without a trial.
Re: Powwow Questions
At least the ascii art seems to work okay.
Re: Powwow Questions
Wobbler: Chark didn't mean that he is now going to switch to a variable width font, he just said the he wanted to try some alternatives to misc-fixed font (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fixed_(typeface)). If you pay attention to the font names he mentioned, then all of those are fixed width fonts.
I've been using "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono" for over two years, and I quite like it. I guess if you get used to some font you won't feel well unless the new font looks similar to your old one.
I've been using "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono" for over two years, and I quite like it. I guess if you get used to some font you won't feel well unless the new font looks similar to your old one.

Personal log page: http://weldermume.googlepages.com
Re: Powwow Questions
Thanks! I tested it, I think it's even better than the powtty monospace. Powtty monospace leaves too much space between lines after testing it for a while. 

Re: Powwow Questions
I have another question about powwow:
I play on mac and somehow my numpad keys dont work, can anyone explain me why is that so?
I play on mac and somehow my numpad keys dont work, can anyone explain me why is that so?
Re: Powwow Questions
I don't use Mac myself, but my guess is that Terminal.app's key-mapping has the same escape sequence for both "normal" arrow keys and numpad arrow keys. What you could probably do is try some other terminal emulator (google for "os x terminal emulator"). For example, I found iTerm which might be worth trying out: http://iterm.sourceforge.net/
Personal log page: http://weldermume.googlepages.com
Re: Powwow Questions
As Kalev pointed out, this is not problem of powwow but of terminal you are using. All you need is to use terminal which lets you configure escape sequences for various keys and key combinations. In Linux one such configurable terminal is xterm (which is configured through xrdb). I don't really know about mac, but there should be something similar as well.
Re: Powwow Questions
I have a door alias like this:
What I want is for "dd" sent with no arguments to just
without deleting what was in $door1. I think I want something like this:
But that doesn't seem to work in powwow. Can anyone help me with this?
Code: Select all
#alias dd={#var $door1=$0;#print ("(Door 1): " + $door1);#print ("")}
Code: Select all
#print ("(Door 1): " + $door1)
Code: Select all
#alias dd={#if ($0) #var $door1=$0;#print ("(Door 1): " + $door1);#print ("")}
Re: Powwow Questions
Try this:
Code: Select all
#if (*$(1)) #var $door1=$0
Personal log page: http://weldermume.googlepages.com
Re: Powwow Questions
Code: Select all
#al dd={#if (*$(0)) #($door1=$(0));_report_dd 1}
#al _report_dd=#print ("Door $1 is '"+$door$1+"'")
Re: Powwow Questions
Thanks guys. Another question..
Isn't working like I want it to. Seems like its saving the color information in the alias. Any way to keep just the text and no colors?
Edit: Nevermind. Got it to work by making the color part of the pattern being matched.
Code: Select all
#action >+reply ^$1 tells you '={#print;#alias re=tell $1 \$0}
Edit: Nevermind. Got it to work by making the color part of the pattern being matched.
Re: Powwow Questions
Ok I'm back in action!
iTerm didn't solve my problem (as Kalev suggested). I downloaded it but dont know how to use/configure it..
Here is what I get if I try to bind key in powwow:
#bind 4=west
#please press the key "w" : 4
#that is not a redefinable key.
I get this error on every numpad button I try to bind.
F-keys are working perfectly:
#bind F1=k *elf*
#please press the key "F1" : esc O P
#new key binding: F1 ^[OP=k *elf*
iTerm didn't solve my problem (as Kalev suggested). I downloaded it but dont know how to use/configure it..
Here is what I get if I try to bind key in powwow:
#bind 4=west
#please press the key "w" : 4
#that is not a redefinable key.
I get this error on every numpad button I try to bind.
F-keys are working perfectly:
#bind F1=k *elf*
#please press the key "F1" : esc O P
#new key binding: F1 ^[OP=k *elf*
Re: Powwow Questions
Did you try turning off the Num Lock? It's supposed to toggle between arrows and numbers on the numpad.
Also, the section "Why my arrow/HOME/END keys are not working?" at http://iterm.sourceforge.net/faq.shtml might have some useful info.
Also, the section "Why my arrow/HOME/END keys are not working?" at http://iterm.sourceforge.net/faq.shtml might have some useful info.
Personal log page: http://weldermume.googlepages.com