For that purpose, you could use xml logs though, which are kinda hard to create atm.
Maybe MMapper2 should have feature to create logs and movie files too both with/without xml mode.
Elestir wrote:For that purpose, you could use xml logs though, which are kinda hard to create atm.
Maybe MMapper2 should have feature to create logs and movie files too both with/without xml mode.
Sounds like a good idea. Elestir, can you write MMapper's log saver and post patch somewhere?
I think there are two movie formats that MUME community uses, powwow's format and JMC's RMA. Powwow has two different movie players, muc and movie2play. Both of them are unfortunately console based, which makes them only usable in UNIX-like systems. I've never used JMC's player, but since JMC itself is written in MFC, it won't run on anything besides Windows. So I guess if you choose one of those two formats, it won't be playable on all platforms mmapper supports. But at least Elvenrunes supports both formats.
Elestir wrote:Why is it not available through svn update?
It's in SVN, I checked it out a few days ago. Jahara used to do development in his own, private branch, but now all the recent changes are in trunk instead. Maybe you checked out a wrong branch?