Ask anything, here!
Moderator: Andróg
- Posts: 13
- Joined: Tue Sep 16, 2014 4:19 pm
Re: Ask anything, here!
That are my results:
Eriadorian: 5' 9"
Dunedain: 6'
Rohir: 5' 7"
Beorning: 5' 7" Bear: MUCH later.
Black Numenorean: Ill check that later
Stoor: Later!
Fallowhide: 2' 4"
Harrowfoot: Later!
DWARF: 4' 6"
Noldo: 6' 8"
Silvan: Later!
Sinda: Later!
HALF-ELF: 6' 4"
ORC: (Both zaugurz and normal): Later!
TROLL (All three) : Later!
Oh well! I can stand 6' 4" As i got ENOUGH of "being too tall"
Eriadorian: 5' 9"
Dunedain: 6'
Rohir: 5' 7"
Beorning: 5' 7" Bear: MUCH later.
Black Numenorean: Ill check that later
Stoor: Later!
Fallowhide: 2' 4"
Harrowfoot: Later!
DWARF: 4' 6"
Noldo: 6' 8"
Silvan: Later!
Sinda: Later!
HALF-ELF: 6' 4"
ORC: (Both zaugurz and normal): Later!
TROLL (All three) : Later!
Oh well! I can stand 6' 4" As i got ENOUGH of "being too tall"
Re: Ask anything, here!
Where can I find the information for focus on White Ship, I have a ring and a crystal. Trying to make the combo ring
Re: Ask anything, here!
The mumepedia has some information: wrote:Where can I find the information for focus on White Ship, I have a ring and a crystal. Trying to make the combo ring
Re: Ask anything, here!
Alright, I have some questions about scripts. I looked through the archives around here and on the web for MUME scripts for various clients. I am just scraping the surface with these and trying to figure how I can best use some scripts. I am using powtty with mapper, and I copy pasted a script into powtty. The next time I started powtty the script was not working. Do you have to copy/paste scripts or load scripts every time you start up powtty? is there a way to save all my scripts or to load them on starting powtty? I dont think I am looking for anything too difficult, I just have no clue where to start or if I can write them, and if i have to load them every time. I have never played around with it very much. What I would like from some scripts is for them to highlight or change the text color of specific words or when people leave/flee where they go.
just recently I downloaded mclient here
I like mclient, but I have no clue about what scripts would work in there, and the attached mmapper is not working for me. is it supposed to? I dont think it is finished client but the first time i tried it I thought the mapper worked and now it is not for me.
Any advice on changing text color or highlighting text scripts, scripting in general for powtty would be appreciated. Also, if people have used mclient and the mapper works any suggestions to get the mapper working or if there are other clients I should be using I am open to try anything, I just don't know very much. Thanks all, Mume is great, thanks to the people who contribute!!!
just recently I downloaded mclient here
I like mclient, but I have no clue about what scripts would work in there, and the attached mmapper is not working for me. is it supposed to? I dont think it is finished client but the first time i tried it I thought the mapper worked and now it is not for me.
Any advice on changing text color or highlighting text scripts, scripting in general for powtty would be appreciated. Also, if people have used mclient and the mapper works any suggestions to get the mapper working or if there are other clients I should be using I am open to try anything, I just don't know very much. Thanks all, Mume is great, thanks to the people who contribute!!!
Re: Ask anything, here!
For powtty, you should have a powttyconfig.txt in your powtty directory and things that are to be loaded on startup must be in there. Anything else is temporary as far as I know.
The mclient thing I don't know anything about
I wonder if you might find anything of interest here?
The mclient thing I don't know anything about

I wonder if you might find anything of interest here?
Re: Ask anything, here!
hi .. been playing for a while .. pure scout pure war... now i would like to try multi classing .. question that i got in mind is that can any1 suggest stats for bashing scout and
what pracs should apply and what % , would appriciate
what pracs should apply and what % , would appriciate

Re: Ask anything, here!
There are good threads on the topic on Elvenrunes.
I try linking here, not sure if it works! Otherwise you can just search for "combo" and it'll show up. ... &all=&typ= ... &all=&typ= ... &all=&typ=
I try linking here, not sure if it works! Otherwise you can just search for "combo" and it'll show up. ... &all=&typ= ... &all=&typ= ... &all=&typ=
Re: Ask anything, here!
Actually you need first to get good stats for war scout before creating the character, so that you won't have to reroll later if you do something wrong.... so I, advice you to check links posted by Rogon or ask someone more experience with this class
As far as I heard , with recent change you can get your combo character working well at legend level
, whereas before , you needed to hit like level 40 for a decent functional combo.

As far as I heard , with recent change you can get your combo character working well at legend level

Re: Ask anything, here!
I may have had a previous account, but I haven't played in so long I don't remember it. Would you be willing to add an option for account recovery for players who can't remember? Perhaps also an option to specify an email address that can be used for such account recovery?
Re: Ask anything, here!
I have just leveled my first character to 25 woot and have some questions.
1.) what spells are good and what not for warrior. zambin stabbed me with venom the other day and I ended up getting down to like 60 hps from venom even with sleeping and cure light. He followed me into shire. is it worth it to get cure poison? how many pracs so that it works? What is the difference between awareness and sense life. Do the affects stack on each other or is it pointless if you have 100+ percent awareness to get also on top of that sense life? or on the other hand if i can get sense life working with just 6 pracs is it worth it to spend the 20-27 pracs to get good awareness?
2.) I have just leveled 25 and it seems to me that my hps are low. im at 381 hp right now. anyone know if that is normal for man with 17 con? i started the character with low (16) con thinking that I would be able to train up con to 18 later and have the same hps as someone who started with 18 con. I have since trained up 2 points in con i believe. I am at 17 con now but 69 years old dunadan with only 381 hps. I have 51 pracs in end at 93%. 381 for hps seems low to me and the only thing I can think is that endurance goes off of my low reference con of (16) and not off of the trained one. I thought that the reference stats only affected training % so i got end up to around 100 % on the stat generator and thought i could train con up but the hps seem low. Is there anyone with experience in this or a man war with 18 con who can comment on hps and end? how do hps gain with level? is it racial/ based on end/ con/ class?
3.) Wilderness skill just gives more mps and mp regen right? and end gives more hps mps and regen for both? Does anyone have wilderness max pracced that can comment on mobility on foot as warrior or thief?
Thanks for reading and i look forward to seeing what people have to say.
1.) what spells are good and what not for warrior. zambin stabbed me with venom the other day and I ended up getting down to like 60 hps from venom even with sleeping and cure light. He followed me into shire. is it worth it to get cure poison? how many pracs so that it works? What is the difference between awareness and sense life. Do the affects stack on each other or is it pointless if you have 100+ percent awareness to get also on top of that sense life? or on the other hand if i can get sense life working with just 6 pracs is it worth it to spend the 20-27 pracs to get good awareness?
2.) I have just leveled 25 and it seems to me that my hps are low. im at 381 hp right now. anyone know if that is normal for man with 17 con? i started the character with low (16) con thinking that I would be able to train up con to 18 later and have the same hps as someone who started with 18 con. I have since trained up 2 points in con i believe. I am at 17 con now but 69 years old dunadan with only 381 hps. I have 51 pracs in end at 93%. 381 for hps seems low to me and the only thing I can think is that endurance goes off of my low reference con of (16) and not off of the trained one. I thought that the reference stats only affected training % so i got end up to around 100 % on the stat generator and thought i could train con up but the hps seem low. Is there anyone with experience in this or a man war with 18 con who can comment on hps and end? how do hps gain with level? is it racial/ based on end/ con/ class?
3.) Wilderness skill just gives more mps and mp regen right? and end gives more hps mps and regen for both? Does anyone have wilderness max pracced that can comment on mobility on foot as warrior or thief?
Thanks for reading and i look forward to seeing what people have to say.
Re: Ask anything, here!
1. Most warrior get two spells: cure light and bless. Bless is good to keep up for the +5ob it gives. It's also pretty easy to learn, some 3-4 pracs is enough. With 3 pracs of cure light, a full warrior mana-pool will give you some 30-50ish hit points extra, which is handy.
Remove poison is higher level and tricky for a warrior to learn. Taking too many pracs in other classes lowers your warrior level, reducing your ob, hit points etc.
The same goes for sense life, it probably does something... But it's too costy for your warrior level to learn. Awareness on the other hand is a general skill, and there you have more freedom to put pracs.
Most of the time however, with or without sense life and awareness, you will not save a backstab. If you want to not get backstab, you have to do a "reveal quick" every few seconds. Beware its movement cost though!
2. 381 hps doesnt sound low with 17 con. There's no randomness to your max hit points. They are a result of your con, endurance, and warrior level. If you have many pracs in spells/thief, you could raise your hit points some by decaying those.
3. Wilderness lowers your MP cost, but it doesn't give you more max mps. Wilderness+awareness also reduce your tracking cost when following tracks. Wilderness also makes you go thirsty/hungry slower.
Pretty much every warrior and thief, and a fair number of casters, have max wilderness. You really need it for mobility on foot.
Remove poison is higher level and tricky for a warrior to learn. Taking too many pracs in other classes lowers your warrior level, reducing your ob, hit points etc.
The same goes for sense life, it probably does something... But it's too costy for your warrior level to learn. Awareness on the other hand is a general skill, and there you have more freedom to put pracs.
Most of the time however, with or without sense life and awareness, you will not save a backstab. If you want to not get backstab, you have to do a "reveal quick" every few seconds. Beware its movement cost though!
2. 381 hps doesnt sound low with 17 con. There's no randomness to your max hit points. They are a result of your con, endurance, and warrior level. If you have many pracs in spells/thief, you could raise your hit points some by decaying those.
3. Wilderness lowers your MP cost, but it doesn't give you more max mps. Wilderness+awareness also reduce your tracking cost when following tracks. Wilderness also makes you go thirsty/hungry slower.
Pretty much every warrior and thief, and a fair number of casters, have max wilderness. You really need it for mobility on foot.
Re: Ask anything, here!
I have questions about a charmed thing protecting you. I have successfully charmed dark wraith in blue mountains and I heard they could rescue/protect, but it has yet to make any difference. I charm him, group him, label him, order followers protect/order (X) protect and see "OK" but then any aggressive mob always just hits me with charmie doing nothing. I thought with protect the charmie was supposed to get to intercept the blow. I have tried different things but none of them seem to work. Any tips on what I can do, or does dark wraith not protect?
Re: Ask anything, here!
Charmies can't protect you.
Some things are disabled from charmies to keep them balanced in PK.
For example the dark wraith's ability to cast lightning bolts is also disabled when it is charmed.
Some things are disabled from charmies to keep them balanced in PK.
For example the dark wraith's ability to cast lightning bolts is also disabled when it is charmed.
Re: Ask anything, here!
OK! So once a skill hits 100% should you stop practicing it? I've assumed that above 100% gives some sort of bonus but for some skills I can't imagine anything. Stuff like Bash/Kick where you either pass the skill check (I assume that's who it works) or you don't. Does 120% Bash maybe let you bash faster?
Re: Ask anything, here!
Nothing magical happens at 100%
The benefit of 100% -> 105% is pretty much the same as 95% -> 100%.
I max some warrior skills, but not parry/weapon skills where the benefit is 1ob / 1pb per 5% skill. It's just not worth it in the end. I also don't max endurance.
I never noticed faster bashes from higher skill, so it probably does not matter... Probably...
The benefit of 100% -> 105% is pretty much the same as 95% -> 100%.
I max some warrior skills, but not parry/weapon skills where the benefit is 1ob / 1pb per 5% skill. It's just not worth it in the end. I also don't max endurance.
I never noticed faster bashes from higher skill, so it probably does not matter... Probably...

Re: Ask anything, here!
ok, I am having some difficulty understanding base and reference abilities. I have only ever rerolled one character.
A man thief !# CW>info %b Base abilities: Str:16 Int:8 Wis:8 Dex:18 Con:15 Wil:9 Per:18. and
!# CW>info %B Reference abilities: Str:16 Int:9 Wis:9 Dex:18 Con:14 Wil:11 Per:18.
My actual stats are
Your base abilities are: Str:15 Int:7 Wis:10 Dex:15 Con:13 Wil:9 Per:15. with age 127 years
So looking at a stat generator it looks as if my stats are the base abilities. These are what determine my prac % and if I choose to reroll, I reroll from base abilities in second line above? Is this correct? What do the reference abilities have to do with anything?
I also have a man warrior that I have trained but I don't think I rerolled him yet. He is in retirement.
*# CW>info %b Base abilities: Str:18 Int:10 Wis:8 Dex:14 Con:16 Wil:13 Per:17.
*# CW>info %B Reference abilities: Str:18 Int:11 Wis:9 Dex:15 Con:16 Wil:14 Per:15.
my actual stats are
Your base abilities are: Str:17 Int:10 Wis:10 Dex:12 Con:15 Wil:13 Per:15. with age 110 again it looks as if these are the base abilities with age, but again I do not understand what the reference abilities are. I thought the base abilities were the ones I created the character with. Are the reference abilities the ones I created the character with?
I am eligible for reroll, and when I go to reroll it rerolls from the reference abilities. Do these reference abilities change to the new stats I choose when I reroll or will the refernce abilities always stay the same? How/why are my reference and bast abilities different on the characters? Which one is the prac percentage and which one is the one you can train?
A man thief !# CW>info %b Base abilities: Str:16 Int:8 Wis:8 Dex:18 Con:15 Wil:9 Per:18. and
!# CW>info %B Reference abilities: Str:16 Int:9 Wis:9 Dex:18 Con:14 Wil:11 Per:18.
My actual stats are
Your base abilities are: Str:15 Int:7 Wis:10 Dex:15 Con:13 Wil:9 Per:15. with age 127 years
So looking at a stat generator it looks as if my stats are the base abilities. These are what determine my prac % and if I choose to reroll, I reroll from base abilities in second line above? Is this correct? What do the reference abilities have to do with anything?
I also have a man warrior that I have trained but I don't think I rerolled him yet. He is in retirement.
*# CW>info %b Base abilities: Str:18 Int:10 Wis:8 Dex:14 Con:16 Wil:13 Per:17.
*# CW>info %B Reference abilities: Str:18 Int:11 Wis:9 Dex:15 Con:16 Wil:14 Per:15.
my actual stats are
Your base abilities are: Str:17 Int:10 Wis:10 Dex:12 Con:15 Wil:13 Per:15. with age 110 again it looks as if these are the base abilities with age, but again I do not understand what the reference abilities are. I thought the base abilities were the ones I created the character with. Are the reference abilities the ones I created the character with?
I am eligible for reroll, and when I go to reroll it rerolls from the reference abilities. Do these reference abilities change to the new stats I choose when I reroll or will the refernce abilities always stay the same? How/why are my reference and bast abilities different on the characters? Which one is the prac percentage and which one is the one you can train?
Re: Ask anything, here!
ok, I am having some difficulty understanding base and reference abilities. I have only ever rerolled one character.
A man thief !# CW>info %b Base abilities: Str:16 Int:8 Wis:8 Dex:18 Con:15 Wil:9 Per:18. and
!# CW>info %B Reference abilities: Str:16 Int:9 Wis:9 Dex:18 Con:14 Wil:11 Per:18.
My actual stats are
Your base abilities are: Str:15 Int:7 Wis:10 Dex:15 Con:13 Wil:9 Per:15. with age 127 years
So looking at a stat generator it looks as if my stats are the base abilities. These are what determine my prac % and if I choose to reroll, I reroll from base abilities in second line above? Is this correct? What do the reference abilities have to do with anything?
I also have a man warrior that I have trained but I don't think I rerolled him yet. He is in retirement.
*# CW>info %b Base abilities: Str:18 Int:10 Wis:8 Dex:14 Con:16 Wil:13 Per:17.
*# CW>info %B Reference abilities: Str:18 Int:11 Wis:9 Dex:15 Con:16 Wil:14 Per:15.
my actual stats are
Your base abilities are: Str:17 Int:10 Wis:10 Dex:12 Con:15 Wil:13 Per:15. with age 110 again it looks as if these are the base abilities with age, but again I do not understand what the reference abilities are. I thought the base abilities were the ones I created the character with. Are the reference abilities the ones I created the character with?
I am eligible for reroll, and when I go to reroll it rerolls from the reference abilities. Do these reference abilities change to the new stats I choose when I reroll or will the refernce abilities always stay the same? How/why are my reference and base abilities different on the characters? Which one is the prac percentage and which one is the one you can train?
A man thief !# CW>info %b Base abilities: Str:16 Int:8 Wis:8 Dex:18 Con:15 Wil:9 Per:18. and
!# CW>info %B Reference abilities: Str:16 Int:9 Wis:9 Dex:18 Con:14 Wil:11 Per:18.
My actual stats are
Your base abilities are: Str:15 Int:7 Wis:10 Dex:15 Con:13 Wil:9 Per:15. with age 127 years
So looking at a stat generator it looks as if my stats are the base abilities. These are what determine my prac % and if I choose to reroll, I reroll from base abilities in second line above? Is this correct? What do the reference abilities have to do with anything?
I also have a man warrior that I have trained but I don't think I rerolled him yet. He is in retirement.
*# CW>info %b Base abilities: Str:18 Int:10 Wis:8 Dex:14 Con:16 Wil:13 Per:17.
*# CW>info %B Reference abilities: Str:18 Int:11 Wis:9 Dex:15 Con:16 Wil:14 Per:15.
my actual stats are
Your base abilities are: Str:17 Int:10 Wis:10 Dex:12 Con:15 Wil:13 Per:15. with age 110 again it looks as if these are the base abilities with age, but again I do not understand what the reference abilities are. I thought the base abilities were the ones I created the character with. Are the reference abilities the ones I created the character with?
I am eligible for reroll, and when I go to reroll it rerolls from the reference abilities. Do these reference abilities change to the new stats I choose when I reroll or will the refernce abilities always stay the same? How/why are my reference and base abilities different on the characters? Which one is the prac percentage and which one is the one you can train?
Re: Ask anything, here!
The reference stats are what you originally started with - these are the base for the limited reroll, the thing that decides how much you can move stat points around. Doing repeated limited rerolls won't let you move further and further from your reference stats.
Your base stats are what you have now, unmodified by age/training/spells/wounds and so on. These decide your practicing. Base and reference stats might be the same if you never rerolled.
Your base stats are what you have now, unmodified by age/training/spells/wounds and so on. These decide your practicing. Base and reference stats might be the same if you never rerolled.
Re: Ask anything, here!
What is the command to get torch from camp?
Re: Ask anything, here!
'Get torch campfire' should work.