Thanks.orlanth wrote:'Get torch campfire' should work.
Ask anything, here!
Moderator: Andróg
Re: Ask anything, here!
When I now returned to Mume I started using Jaba MUD client with mmapper2 aka the bundle we find on these pages.
It works perfectly on all the 3-4 new characters I've made.
So I want to unretire a old character I have and find that the mapper does not work on this character.
I log on new a character and it works perfect.
I have tried to 'change encoding latin-1' since that is the character enconding I choose when making a new character.
I have also done change brief off; change spam on ; cha xml on
the mapper shows the yellow arrow when I move around but it does not "move on the map". Seems like it does not find the room I'm in.
The character that its not working on was retired 15 years ago so I guess its some changes that have been done "lately"
Any tips?
I messed around some and suddenly it seems to sync...
It still got problem with Osse's Well.....

Is not the characters strange. Is it supposed to be ¨ ?
It works perfectly on all the 3-4 new characters I've made.
So I want to unretire a old character I have and find that the mapper does not work on this character.
I log on new a character and it works perfect.
I have tried to 'change encoding latin-1' since that is the character enconding I choose when making a new character.
I have also done change brief off; change spam on ; cha xml on
the mapper shows the yellow arrow when I move around but it does not "move on the map". Seems like it does not find the room I'm in.
The character that its not working on was retired 15 years ago so I guess its some changes that have been done "lately"
Any tips?
I messed around some and suddenly it seems to sync...
It still got problem with Osse's Well.....

Is not the characters strange. Is it supposed to be ¨ ?
Re: Ask anything, here!
Yes Ossë is correct. Elves you know...
Re: Ask anything, here!
And if the mapper does not work, one of the things in my whois usually fixes it.
Sync issues in specific rooms/areas can be because something changed in the room since the map was created.
Sync issues in specific rooms/areas can be because something changed in the room since the map was created.
Re: Ask anything, here!
Thanks. I did follow the steps in your whois. Did not do the trick.Rogon wrote:And if the mapper does not work, one of the things in my whois usually fixes it.
Sync issues in specific rooms/areas can be because something changed in the room since the map was created.
Did mess around and suddenly it worked. :p
Actually what did the trick I can not pin point.

Re: Ask anything, here!
Would love to be able to 'examine' items in shops. Sometimes it's not entirely clear what an item does, eg. can I use a saddlecloth in addition to a leather saddle, or is it one or the other... or more RP-related issues like "will this item fit with my character's look". Maybe 'inspect' item could be a decent command for the shop (I would expect 'examine' to not be compatible with shops, much like 'show' replace 'consider'?)
Re: Ask anything, here!
You mean basically getting the description of the item?
More than that sounds like something for the identify spell (or actually using the item to see what effects it seems to have).
More than that sounds like something for the identify spell (or actually using the item to see what effects it seems to have).
Re: Ask anything, here!
Yes, to get the description is all.
Re: Ask anything, here!
I guess (in theory anyway) it could be included in 'show'. So that 'show 1888' gave both the 'examine' and 'consider' data. Hm. Put that on the idea board ingame? 

Re: Ask anything, here!
Yes, that does actually sound like the best way to get this into the game without it costing too much work to do. Posted the idea. Thank you!
Re: Ask anything, here!
Hello. I use a MAC and am trying out the Atlantis client. I can't find any documentation on how to set up variables and aliases (i.e. for targetting). Can anyone help? Thanks in advance --Urzald
Re: Ask anything, here!
I don't think we have much MUMErs using Atlantis, so you might not get an answer.
If you are stuck, you could try out a more popular choice like Mudlet.
If you are stuck, you could try out a more popular choice like Mudlet.
Re: Ask anything, here!
Hello everyone. Former player here about 10 years ago, got to maybe level 12 or 13 as a dwarf warrior and around the same on a troll warrior. I've been playing the past few nights and having a blast. Mumemapper works great on my Mac and I have a level 9 dwarf warrior.
I find myself about the big picture though. Will I ever be able to participate in PVP without playing for a year or two straight? It just seems like to get to that skill level, and character level, will take a gigantic amount of time. Any advice other than just "play a lot"?
I find myself about the big picture though. Will I ever be able to participate in PVP without playing for a year or two straight? It just seems like to get to that skill level, and character level, will take a gigantic amount of time. Any advice other than just "play a lot"?
Re: Ask anything, here!
You really need to be a legend (lvl 26).
Once you're there, my advice for PvP would be - don't care too much. Don't gather too much good equipment. You'll die a lot anyway. Just jump into fights and accept you'll die some.
Once you're there, my advice for PvP would be - don't care too much. Don't gather too much good equipment. You'll die a lot anyway. Just jump into fights and accept you'll die some.
Re: Ask anything, here!
Hey there,
It's been awhile since I played this, but was interested in exploring again, even if it's just a passive role.
While I have one of my passwords, I don't have the other. Is there an Ainur that can help me with this?
It's been awhile since I played this, but was interested in exploring again, even if it's just a passive role.
While I have one of my passwords, I don't have the other. Is there an Ainur that can help me with this?
Re: Ask anything, here!
Welcome back. Watch out for trolls.
Re: Ask anything, here!
I had a character years ago, well many many years ago and cant seem to find the characters or account if there was. Can anyone help me recover them if its even possible?
Re: Ask anything, here!
Contact me ingame and I'll help you look.
Re: Ask anything, here!
Really enjoying the MUME thank you its been great getting immersed into a Tolkien themed mud again.
I am hoping someone may be able to help me. When i use the command E.G say "Hi how are you" instead of the return being Ok. How can i configure my client it so it displays <character Name> Says Hi how are you. The same for Emote. Instead of trying to do an Emote and have the response being Ok. can the response actually be the line showing me doing the emote.
I hope i have explained my question well enough.
Really enjoying the MUME thank you its been great getting immersed into a Tolkien themed mud again.
I am hoping someone may be able to help me. When i use the command E.G say "Hi how are you" instead of the return being Ok. How can i configure my client it so it displays <character Name> Says Hi how are you. The same for Emote. Instead of trying to do an Emote and have the response being Ok. can the response actually be the line showing me doing the emote.
I hope i have explained my question well enough.
Re: Ask anything, here!
I have no idea about answering your question but you might want to try posting at These forums are basically dead. The elvenrunes forum is unofficially the official MUME forums.