Questionnaire Results

Date:Tue Feb 10 19:03:24 1998
308 answers (better than two years ago last questionnaire). Thanks to all.

1. How old are you?

Mean:    23.8539
Std dev: 5.42254

15-:  2.92%    20 :  7.79%    25 : 10.71%    30 :  1.95%    35+:  4.22%
16 :  1.62%    21 :  6.82%    26 :  7.47%    31 :  2.60%
17 :  5.52%    22 :  7.79%    27 :  3.25%    32 :  0.65%
18 :  3.90%    23 : 10.39%    28 :  4.22%    33 :  0.65%
19 :  3.90%    24 :  9.09%    29 :  3.25%    34 :  1.30%
60% of MUME population is in [20, 26].       

2. What is your sex?

Female         :  3.90%
Male           : 96.10%

3. What is your marrital status?

Widdowed       : 0.32%
Divorced       : 1.30%
Married        : 10.71%
Couple         : 15.91%
Single         : 71.75%

4. What is your profession?

Retired         :  0.00%
Family-Keeper   :  0.00%
Other           :  3.25%
Unemployed      :  4.22%
Employed-Student: 12.99%
Employed        : 34.74%
Student         : 44.81%

5. In what country do you live?
Brasil         : 0.32%       Israel         : 0.32%    Denmark        :  2.60% 
Latvia         : 0.32%       SouthKorea     : 0.32%    UK             :  3.25% 
NewZealand     : 0.32%       Switzerland    : 0.32%    Finland        :  3.90% 
Oman           : 0.32%       Australia      : 0.65%    Norway         :  3.90% 
Poland         : 0.32%       Iceland        : 0.65%    Canada         :  4.55% 
Taiwan         : 0.32%       France         : 0.97%    Estonia        : 13.31%
Austria        : 0.32%       Germany        : 1.30%    Sweden         : 18.18%
Holland        : 0.32%       Italy          : 1.30%    USA            : 38.96%
Malaysia       : 0.32%       CzechRepublic  : 2.60%    

6. When did you start playing MUME?

These results are very subjective. I found entries of people starting to play
MUME before MUME was born... I am inclined to think that people overestimate
their playing time.

By trimester, summary by year.

                  1992-1 : 1.62%    1993-1 : 5.84%    1994-1 : 3.25%
                  1992-2 : 2.92%    1993-2 : 3.90%    1994-2 : 6.17%
                  1992-3 : 2.60%    1993-3 : 4.22%    1994-3 : 6.82%
1991-4 : 0.97%    1992-4 : 3.25%    1993-4 : 5.19%    1994-4 : 4.87%
--------------    --------------    --------------    --------------
1991   :  0.97%   1992   : 10.39%   1993   : 19.16%   1994   : 21.10%

1995-1 : 3.57%    1996-1 : 4.87%    1997-1 : 5.19%    1998-1 : 0.32%
1995-2 : 2.60%    1996-2 : 4.55%    1997-2 : 3.25%
1995-3 : 5.52%    1996-3 : 5.19%    1997-3 : 2.27%
1995-4 : 4.55%    1996-4 : 3.25%    1997-4 : 3.25%
--------------    --------------    --------------    --------------
1995   : 16.23%   1996   : 17.86%   1997   : 13.96%   1998   :  0.32%

Mean:    27 December 1994 (quite exactly MUME's current half life).
Std Dev: 19.09 monthes.

7. How did you hear about MUME?

Mail           : 0.32%
Unknown        : 0.97%
Internet forum : 0.97%
Magazine       : 3.90%
Newsgroup      : 4.55%
Another mud    : 5.52%
Gopher         : 5.52%
Other          : 5.52%
WEB            : 6.49%
Friend         : 66.23%

8. How many characters do you own on MUME?

 0  :  0.32%     5  : 11.04%     10  :  6.49%    15  :  0.97%
 1  :  6.49%     6  : 10.71%     11  :  2.60%
 2  : 11.04%     7  :  6.49%     12  :  1.62%
 3  : 15.26%     8  :  6.49%     13  :  0.00%
 4  : 14.29%      9  :  4.55%    14  :  1.62%

Mean:    5.3961
Std dev: 3.16724

MUME's players database currently counts 5814 entries. We can then roughly
estimate MUME's global population to 1077 players.

9. Do you own an Ainur on MUME?

yes : 39.61%
no  : 60.39%

10. How many 'darkie' characters do you own on MUME?

 0  : 22.08%      4  : 11.69%     8  :  0.65%
 1  : 19.81%      5  :  7.14%     9  :  0.32%
 2  : 19.81%      6  :  3.25%    10  :  0.00%
 3  : 12.66%      7  :  2.27%    11  :  0.32%
Mean:    2.26948 
Std dev: 1.99727

This implies a mean of 3.12662 for 'whities & ainur'. Since 39.61% of the 
players have a god, it then implies a 'whitie' mean of 2.73052. Although this
seems quite balanced in number of chars, it is to be considered that 22% of
the MUME population doesn't play 'darkies'.

11. How many 'legend' characters (level 26+) do you own on MUME?

 0  : 27.60%      4  :  6.49%      8  :  1.62%    12  :  0.65%
 1  : 21.10%      5  :  2.92%      9  :  0.97%     13  :  0.32%
 2  : 18.51%      6  :  4.55%     10  :  1.62%
 3  : 10.71%      7  :  2.60%     11  :  0.32%
Mean:    2.2987
Std dev: 2.57644

12. How many 'darkie legend' characters do you own on Mume?

 0  : 57.47%     4  : 4.87%
 1  : 20.45%     5  : 1.30%
 2  : 9.42%      6  : 1.62%
 3  : 4.55%      7  : 0.32%

Mean:    0.909091
Std dev: 1.41817

13. What is the highest mortal level you reached on Mume?

Mean:    31.6591 (was 26.5 two years ago)
Std dev: 9.94256 (high, quite uniform in the 20-40 range)

14. How many hours do you spend on Mume weekly?

Mean:    17.9416
Std dev: 14.0314 (high, different play styles)

6.82% of the MUME population spends 3 hours or less on MUME weekly. Considering
them as retired from the game (or board readers), the estimation of the active
(i.e., playing more than 3 hours a week) population drops from 1077 to 1003

15. Opinion about Mume game system?

Awful          : 0.32%
Bad            : 5.19%
Correct        : 10.71%
Good           : 53.90%
Excellent      : 29.87%

16. Opinion about Mume management?

Awful          : 0.32%
Bad            : 7.79%
Correct        : 29.22%
Good           : 50.32%
Excellent      : 12.34%

17. In what position do you rank Mume?

(1: Best mud, 2: Second best, etc)

5+             :  0.97%
4              :  0.97%
3              :  0.97%
2              :  7.47%
1              : 89.61%

18. Did you play other muds before Mume?

no             : 49.03%
yes            : 50.97%

19. Do you play other muds than Mume?

yes            : 32.14%
no             : 67.86%

20. From where do you play at Mume?

Internet-Cafe  : 0.32%
Other          : 2.27%
School         : 2.92%
Office         : 10.06%
University     : 30.84%
Home           : 53.57%  (Was 42% two years ago)

21. Do you suffer 'lag'?

Never          : 4.55%
Rarely         : 21.10%
Often          : 31.17%
Sometimes      : 31.49%
Always         : 11.69%

22. What kind of Client do you use?

PMF            :  0.97%
Tinyfugue      :  3.90%
Other          :  4.55%
Tintin         : 12.01% 
Cancan         : 13.64% 
Powwow         : 15.26% 
None           : 23.05%  (Was 42% two years ago)
zMud           : 26.62%

23. What kind of Operating System do you use?

                Now          Two years ago
VMS            :  0.35%        3.61%       
OS/2           :  0.71%        2.06%       
Other          :  2.48%        6.19%       
MD-Dos         :  3.55%       19.59%       
Win3.x         :  4.26%        8.76%
XWindows       :  6.03%        7.22%
MacOS          :  7.09%        7.73%
WinNT          :  7.09%        1.03%
Unix-like      : 25.18%       38.66%
Win95          : 43.26%        5.15%

(i.e. The final battle is between the Evil MS Empire and the Free Linux Rebels)

Thanks again for answering the questionnaire, next questionnaire next year ;-)
