Ever since NEWS 2157 characters in MUME have been able to improve and neglect base abilities as a replacement for partial rerolls that were previously given out after a month of retirement. This "training reroll" acts as a second partial reroll along with the "retirement partial reroll". The obvious benefits of using both these features in conjunction is the improvement of old characters that were previously unplayable due to changing game mechanics.
However, training can also be (ab)used with new characters to improve practice percentages! Read the following from HELP TRAIN:
This means that characters can be created with "unplayable" base abilities that result in higher practice percentages can then be adjusted into something even more powerful through training! All it takes is the careful application of what certain statistics do and whether or not they are required in the final result of the character. After deciding what to slowly train/neglect skills it takes about a months worth of time for the character to reach the limit of the reroll.NOTE: Unlike rerolls, training does not affect your practice percentages. The
percentage to which you can practice a skill is only based on your reference
Statistic Effects
The following table provides exactly what each stat helps with; if you want to see what stats do with practice percents I suggest you look at a stat generator.
Strength: Wieldable Weapons, Carrying Capacity/Fleeing, Offensive Bonus
Intelligence: Maximum Mana, Armour Spell, (Herblore?)
Wisdom: Maximum Mana, Herblore, (Sanctuary Absorb?)
Dexterity: Natural Dodge Bonus, Fleeing Rate, Maximum Moves
Constitution: Maximum Hit/Movement points, Movement Regen
Will: Resisting/Casting Influence of Hostile Magic, Regeneration
Perception: Detection, Line of Sight
Generally training is primarily useful for improving strength; dexterity and constitution are also useful, but the best really depends on a player's style of play. These physical stats give the most improvement for a character outside of practice percentages. On the flip side, the best stat for neglecting is perception due to its relatively minor effects. Because of this training is less useful for characters that have very little perception and more useful for magic users, thieves, and tracking warriors.
A Couple Examples
Say we take a powerful cleaving dwarf that has absolutely no chance of tracking (63% according to the statgen).
Code: Select all
Str:19 Int: 9 Wis: 7 Dex:15 Con:19 Wil:16 Per: 7. (Dwarf: Pure Warrior)
Code: Select all
Str:19 Int:12 Wis: 7 Dex:14 Con:19 Wil:15 Per:10. (Dwarf: Untrained Tracking Warrior)
This technique is far more effective with combo classes where we boost the two main class skills at the cost of survivability. Here is an example of a bolting thief with 100% thief and 98% mage skills:
Code: Select all
Str:13 Int:16 Wis:14 Dex:19 Con:13 Wil:11 Per:14. (Elf: Unplayable Thief-mage)
Code: Select all
Str:11 Int:16 Wis:14 Dex:19 Con:12 Wil:11 Per:17. (Elf: Untrained Thief-mage)
If anyone else found some nifty tricks feel free to post them here