


mClient strives to be a modern, fully functional, and highly portable mud client by replacing powwow's mostly Linux-only code with Qt libraries thereby allowing it to run on any operating system supported by the Qt framework (such as Windows or OS X). Since powwow was written in C the main engine has been completely rewritten and has its functions hooked through a C++ wrapper which handles all the information exchange between the client and graphical interface. The wrapper also overtakes the job as the proxy in MMapper2, essentially behaving as a pre-parser that handles all the data extraction needed by the mapper.


  • Javascript Scripting
  • Highly Modular Plugin-based Design
  • Powerful WebKit-based Display
  • Portable to Windows, Linux, and OS X
  • Mapper and Group Manager similar to MMapper2/Pandora
  • Possibly Powwow Scripting and Remote Editing

The client is currently in beta.


Official site