

Usage: change spam [on|off]

Spam is a familiar problem with net-traffic and depending upon your situation in the game, can be totally disabling. To combat this you can use the command 'Spam' to toggle on or off (default) the NoSpam mode. We encourage everyone to use this 'superbrief' mode (so type 'spam' once).

What it does:

  • Won't show room descriptions on 'look'. They are still available typing the command 'examine'.
  • Won't show ridden mounts in a room (since they are already shown with their rider description). Mounts are shown on 'examine'.
  • Missed fight messages are not sent EXCEPT the message of the first attack.
  • While moving with your group, you will only see the leader move (the one you are following) not the entrances/leaves of all the group.

See Also: Brief, Compact, Prompt, Rules Spam