

Walking about a town with your weapon drawn might draw unwanted attention from the guards. Play safe, keep your weapon sheathed.

Wearing a sheath, you can use the commands 'draw' and 'sheathe'. Both commands can optionally be followed by the sheath you want to use. E.g. 'draw harness' could draw a big two-handed sword, while 'draw sheath' could make you use your little longsword.


  > draw sheath           (would make you draw the weapon in the sheath)
  > sheath harness        (would make you sheath your weapon in the harness)

You can also draw bows you are wearing (across your back e.g.) with 'draw <bow>' and weapons in inventory with 'draw <weapon>'.

If you're wielding a weapon when trying to draw a new one, the wielded one will be automatically sheathed if there is a free sheath, or hung on your back if applicable (for bows). If that is impossible, it will be put in your inventory.

See also: Citizen, Wield