Harlond Warrior Guild


An elven knight teaches warrior skills at the Warrior's Guild in Harlond. He is permanently under the effect of the sanctuary spell.

An impressive elven knight stands watch here (glowing).
>examine knight
Tall, and bulky as elves go, this warrior has seen combat throughout
the history of Arda. Even though elves do not scar, the toll of battle
can be seen in his steel grey eyes.

Skill list

                    Sessions  Difficulty
bash                      20  Hard
charge                    11  Normal
cleaving weapons          12  Normal
concussion weapons        14  Normal
endurance                 28  Very hard
kick                      14  Normal
parry                     14  Normal
rescue                    13  Easy
slashing weapons          14  Normal
stabbing weapons          14  Normal
two-handed weapons        14  Normal