Legend Homes


Legend homes may be bought by characters of level 30 or higher among the Free People of Arda. If the owner subsequently falls below this level for more than a short time, the house will be removed.

A basic home has 1 room and a valet or housekeeper. Also included in the basic package is a key. If it is lost a new one must be bought.

Legend Homes are restricted to the towns listed in "Help Legend Home Locations" Which also lists the restrictions on the size of the home and pricing information.

Payments must be made two installments. First a 50% deposit to file a building permit request, then the remaining balance. For more information on this process visit any town with a land office. Payments can be made to any willing Ms or higher immortal.

Home owners can allow their friends to enter their home even when they are not home. To notify your guards of any changes, use the Friend command.

Additional Notes:

 (*) Minimum level 30 to build a home (and to pay for one).
 (*) No homes for Trolls or BNs. Orcs have hovels ("HELP HOVELS").
 (*) Add-ons can be bought after the building of the home. 
 (*) Locks in legend homes will only lock people out, not in. 
 (*) For more information visit the land office in the town you wish to build.
     Land offices are often found near where you would apply for citizenship.
 (*) You have to be in a white-side-city to make your payment. 

See also: Legend Home Prices, Hovels, Legend Home Equipment, Legend Home Valet, Friend, Legend Home Doors, Legend Home Locations