

This command is used to reply to a message on a bulletin board.

Usage: reply [quoted] [<number>] [by mail] [<title>]

If <number> is omitted (or replaced by some abbreviation of the word 'last') you reply to the last message you read.

If <title> is omitted your message will have the title of the message you are replying to with 'Re: ' prepended to it.

If you include the word 'quoted', the messages you are replying to will be included quoted using '>'.

If you write 'by mail', you will instead send a private mail to the author. Example:

 reply 123 by mail             reply to message 123 by mail
 rep q b m                     reply quoted to last message by mail

Obviously, you must be in the same room as the board you wish to write on for this command to work.

See also: Boards, Mark, Read, Tail, Write