

Syntax: who [<group>] [alphabetically|number]

Lists the people currently in the game (although some people may choose to remain unseen).

Available groups:

  ainur      dwarves     heroes       men          pray      stoor
  bears      elf         hill         metamorphs   rangers   tales
  beornings  elves       hobbits      mortals      retired   tarkhnarb
  black      eriadorian  istari       mountain     rohirrim  testchars
  cave       fallohid    legends      newbies      scouts    thieves
  clerics    females     mages        noldor       shamans   trolls
  dúnadan    half-elves  magic-users  númenóreans  silvan    valar
  dúnedain   halflings   males        orcs         sindar    warriors
  dwarf      harfoot     man          players      songs     zaugurz

If you specify "number", you will not get the actual listing, but just the total number of players (in that group).

If you specify "alphabetically" (or some abbreviation longer than "al"), the players will be listed alphabetically. By default they are listed by how long they have been logged in (longest last).

Members of enemy races (for example Elves and Trolls) are unable to see each other with this command. Members of races who cooperate from time to time (Dwarves and Bears, Trolls and Tarkhnarb Orcs) can only see each other if they belong to the same group.

See also: Whois, Incognito