

Track is a ranger skill that enables you to follow the tracks of people and animals and to determine their location at a distance.

To use this skill, use either the track command or the where command.

The command 'track', issued by itself, will examine the tracks in your location and (after a delay) tell you who and what has passed by. A particular set of tracks will be more or less visible depending on what made it, how long ago, what the weather is, and the terrain. If you are unlucky, you will see fewer tracks - you might see more if you 'track' again.

Issuing the command 'track <target>' looks for the most recent tracks of the specific person/thing you are looking for. Furthermore, if you follow the tracks, you will automatically keep on tracking your target until you find it, or lose the trail, or issue the 'track' command again. To stop following the trail, issue the 'track' command without arguments.

Typing 'where <target>' also looks for tracks of target in the room you are currently in, but you will not keep looking for tracks as you move around.

Some creatures, such as fish, birds, and spirits, will not leave tracks.

In addition to the ability to follow the tracks of other creatures, people who are skilled at tracking may be better able to find their way through terrain which would confuse a less skilled person. This will not be the case if the light is bad, however.

Being a more skilled tracker will not only make it possible for you to find well-covered tracks, but you will also track faster. Be aware that there is a limit to how fast you can actually track somebody though.


   > track
   > track warg
   > where robber

Certain mobiles are also capable of tracking (including, but not limited to, most wolves and wargs), and will attempt to track you down if you've fled from combat with them. Some mobiles will only track in a very limited area near their spawn location, while others may follow you for larger distances.