

When fighting mobs or players in MUME there is a chance you may inflict or receive wounds if the blow is forceful enough. The resulting bleeding may subsequently make it difficult to perform common delayed tasks such as tracking or casting spells as the bleeding will interrupt the action.

You can see your wounds by using the info or stat commands. They will show up under the section Affected by. For other players they will be shown when you examine them.

In increasing order of severity, wounds can be

  • light
  • deep
  • serious
  • grievous
  • critical

Depending on the severity and location of the wound, the victim may experience loss of hit points, moves, strength, endurance, precision and/or ability to concentrate.

Although these wounds will heal themselves over time, there are ways to heal them or at least fasten their healing through:

Left untreated, wounds may bleed profusely and could cause an untimely death. They might also become infected.