

Age affects a character's statistics according to the following table. The change is linear between the various age brackets; so, the modifier for strength changes from -1 to 0 at age 21 (midpoint of 18 and 24), and from 0 to +1 at age 28 (midpoint of 24 and 32).

                Age:   18   24   32   40   50   65   90
                 STR    0    1    1    0   -1   -1   -2
                 INT    1    1    1    0    0    0   -1
                 WIS   -1    0    0    1    1    2    2
                 DEX    1    1    0    0   -1   -2   -3
                 CON    0    1    1    0    0   -1   -2
                 WIL    1    1    1    1    1    0    0
                 PER    1    1    0    0   -1   -2   -3
                Mana   -5   -3    0    3    7   15   10
                Hit    14   16   12   10    8    4   -6
                Move   10   10    5    0   -5  -12  -15
               +Mana    0    1    3    6    8   10    6
               +Hit     3    2    1    0   -1   -2   -5
               +Move    3    3    2    1   -3   -6   -9

Your initial age depends on your base statistics: characters more suited to the life of a warrior start out younger; those more suited to spellcasting begin adventuring at an older age.

Aging rate depends on races (see 'help races' for more information). Ages shown in the previous table refer to Men (excluding Dúnedain); for other races the following table applies.

Multiplier | 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th | Race
       1.0 |  18  24  32  40  50  65  90 | Man (Other), Bear
       1.5 |  27  36  48  60  75  97 135 | Man (Dúnadan, Númenorean), Hobbit
       2.0 |  36  48  64  80 100 130 180 | Half-Elf, Dwarf, Orc, Troll
       2.5 |  45  60  80 100 125 162 225 | Elf (Silvan)
       3.0 |  54  72  96 120 150 195 270 | Elf (Sinda)
       3.5 |  63  84 112 140 175 227 315 | Elf (Noldo)

Age is how slow members of this race age compared to Men. I.e., an Elf ages 3 times slower, and a Hobbit 1.5 times slower.

See also