

The ANSI CODES are listed below.

They might not behave the same way on all types of terminals, (this goes especially for the styles) so do not use them where they can create trouble for others.

Foreground Colours High Colours
Black... <esc>[30m Black... <esc>[90m
Red..... <esc>[31m Red..... <esc>[91m
Green... <esc>[32m Green... <esc>[92m
Yellow.. <esc>[33m Yellow.. <esc>[93m
Blue.... <esc>[34m Blue.... <esc>[94m
Magenta. <esc>[35m Magenta. <esc>[95m
Cyan.... <esc>[36m Cyan.... <esc>[96m
White... <esc>[37m White... <esc>[97m
Background Colours Background High Colours
Black... <esc>[40m Black... <esc>[100m
Red..... <esc>[41m Red..... <esc>[101m
Green... <esc>[42m Green... <esc>[102m
Yellow.. <esc>[43m Yellow.. <esc>[103m
Blue.... <esc>[44m Blue.... <esc>[104m
Magenta. <esc>[45m Magenta. <esc>[105m
Cyan.... <esc>[46m Cyan.... <esc>[106m
White... <esc>[47m White... <esc>[107m
Text Style Attributes
Bold......... <esc>[1m
Underline.... <esc>[4m
Blink........ <esc>[5m
Inverse...... <esc>[7m
Strikethrough <esc>[8m
Ansi off..... <esc>[0m

External Links