Missile Weapons Usage

(Redirected from Missile)

Missile weapons are one of the weapon types on MUME. Unlike most other weapon skills, missile is a thief skill. To use a missile weapon (a bow, a crossbow or a sling):

1) Get some missiles of the correct type, arrows for a bow, bolts for a crossbow, stones for a sling;
2) Put them in a quiver, a bolt case or a pouch;
3) Wear the quiver or boltcase or pouch;
4) Wield a bow/crossbow/sling;
5) Ask your best warrior friend to buffer the opponent;
6) 'shoot nasty' until no arrows;
7) 'recover' the missiles from the corpse and from the ground.

Advantages of a bow? You are not in the melee.

If your friend isn't around,
5A) sneak up on the opponent
6A) shoot it
6B) flee or escape, trying not to take much damage (and repeat from 5A until it is dead, you are dead, you run out of arrows, etc.)

This may not seem likely to work, but if you are a scout with decent skills at sneaking, dodging, escaping, etc., it actually does.

Moreover, if you are using a sling, you can REVEAL STONE in appropriate places and you will never remain out of ammo.

See Also: Archery, Recover, Shoot, Target Shooting

See also