Olly's Tavern


Olly's Tavern is located on the northern end of The King's Road in Fornost. Olly is the proprietor - a seedy individual with rumored ties to the shady underbelly of Old Fornost.

Stop by his tavern for a drink, a snack, or some inside information...

> look

> This is a small, shabby place. The room is dimly lit, and the customers all seem very mysterious, keep low profiles at their tables. This also goes for the owner of the place. He glares suspiciously at you as you enter, and all the conversation is halted. Then as your eyes meet his, he quickly returns to cleaning some cups. Not a very hospitable place, it would seem!


  1. Pastries
  2. Ale
  3. Beer
  4. Local
  5. Whiskey

For Thieves Only!

Pickpockets and sneakers in general might want to ask Olly if he knows where you might be able to better hone your skills!