Type change XML to get the following information between < >. This is mostly used for those that use a mapper

<prompt>...</prompt>           : MUME prompt
<room>...</room>               : Room region
<name>...</name>               : Room name
<description>...</description> : Room description
<terrain>...</terrain>         : Room terrain information
<magic>...</magic>             : Room Magic info (portal, detect magic, watched)
<exits>...</exits>             : Exits (autoexits or manual command)
<movement dir=direction/>      : Movement in given dir
<movement/>                    : Movement in an unknown (or unapplicable) dir
<tell>...</tell>               : tell
<say>...</say>                 : say
<narrate>...</narrate>         : narrate
<song>...</song>               : song
<pray>...</pray>               : pray
<shout>...</shout>             : shout
<yell>...</yell>               : yell
<emote>...</emote>             : emote
<hit>...</hit>                 : hit (given)
<damage>...</damage>           : damage (recieved)
<weather>...</weather>         : weather message

There will be more, and all of the above is subject to change.