Breath of Briskness


Breath of Briskness is a level 10 cleric spell. If cast it gives a boost to the move points and increases move regeneration temporarily.
This spell increases mobility significantly and can be a lifesaver if you need to outrun chasing enemies or provide the mobility to pursue fleeing enemies. Clerics should practice it close to maximum. Most mages use it too. The druid who lives north-west of Bree is known to be very skilled in this spell.

The spell is always cast without a target and will affect the caster and automatically everyone who is both in the same group and in the same room. This includes any mobs, such as mounts, charmies, or mercenaries.

The first effect is an immideate distribution of movement points. At higher levels this can be roughly 50 points which are distributed to all eligible targets. So the number of points for each individual will be roghly 50/group size.

The second effect is to boost move point regeneration. This effect is not reduced by the number of targets, so everyone will receive the full effect regardless of group size. At higher levels the boost can last up to 6 minutes and will be slightly stronger than the boost of a forest green cloak. The effect will stack with any other move regen boosts, such as equipment like the mentioned cloak, walking and travelling herblores, and rest and sleep.

Syntax      : cast 'breath of briskness'
Type        : Miscellaneous
Accumulative: N/A
Duration    : Yes
Casting     : Extremely long
Position    : Standing
Level       : Level 10 
Class       : Cleric
Min. Mana   : 25


  > cast 'breath of briskness'

This spell can be learned from:

Druid                             18
Forlond Cleric Guild               4
Lórien Cleric Guild               10
Minas Brethil Cleric Guild         2
Rivendell Cleric Guild             4
Tharbad Cleric Guild               2