

In the small area of Bree-Land there are four villages; Archet, Staddle, Combe and the chief village, Bree.

It is the home of both Hobbits and Humans, who share the community and live peacefully together, the only place in Middle-Earth where such an arrangement exists.

It was in Bree that the first Hobbits came to the Western part of the World, over the Misty Mountains. From there in the year 1601 (Third Age), the Shire was colonised.

Nowadays, there is little communication between Bree and the Shire, the Hobbits of both finding the others strange and foreign.

As well as standing upon the Great Old Road, Bree also stands upon the ancient North Road, but since the fall of the Northern Kings the road became desolate, and grass-grown, and the Bree-Landers renamed it the Greenway.

In MUME, in order to simplify things, the four villages have been combined into the chief, Bree. Most products can be bought here, and there are some guilds where simple skills can be learned.

The gates of Bree are closed at night, in order to stop intruders. There is a coach to Tharbad which is caught near the southwestern end of Bree.

The gatekeepers will open the gates at 7am and close them at 8pm. Should a citizen wish to leave the town, they may simply ask the gatekeeper to open it for him. If a citizen should wish to enter Bree at night, he merely needs to 'call'.




   ##    \                                  --------
  ##|  Mayor+Warrior        Prancing       / Bree /
  # |  Office Training      Pony Inn       -------     Watchtower   `  `     `
 ## |   _/                                 `             `         `
 #  |  |                     /    \_     `      `    Bree Hill  `
 #  |  |     _______________/        \              `   `           `   `      
##  |  |    /                         Stables   `         ` `    ` 
#   |  |  _/ Main Street      _       \___                    `     ` 
#___/  \_/     _____    _____/ \                         _     __________
West         _/     \  /       /   M   ___            __//               |    
Gate        /       |  |   Bazaar  a  |   \       ___/  /    Bree Park   |     
#___    ___/        |  |       \   i  |    \__   |      |                |
#   \  /            |  Bakery  |   n  Council \   \     \________________ 
##  Coach           |  |       |       Chamber \   \                  
 ###   O  O    _____/  /       |   S   \_____   \   \                 
   ##Graveyard/  _____/        \   t.        \   \   \___Armourer_           
    #### O O /  /               \             Old \              Weapon-
       ####     |_____Freebooters\___         House\      _     /smith      
          #####______ \_ Society     \_     _/     |Herb-/ \Pet/
              ###### \  Games          |   |        alist   Shop
                   ######Inn           |   |   
                        ###########    |   |
                                  ######   ###############   Hedge+Dike
                                     South Gate          ####################

Drawn by Ticar of Norbury, Sorcerer of Arthedain, the Third Age of the Sun

Map of Middle-Earth
Cities of the Free People Harlond/ForlondBelegostFornostBreeTharbadRivendellCaras GaladhonIngrove
Fortresses of the Dark Lord WarrensNOC  –  ZOC
Locations in Mume ShireTower HillsFangornDunlandEregionMoriaMirkwoodRohanOERABRMisty Mountains