Giant rat


Giant rats are aggressive level 2 mobiles found in various locations around Arda, commonly in cellars or abandoned buildings. 3 corpses of giant rats are needed to complete the rat infestation quest in Tower Hills.

A giant rat patters against you, squeaking maliciously.
>examine rat
Even though this particular rat is bigger than most, it is also agile and able
to sneak through the tiniest of holes. Its tail is as long as its body, which
it helps it keep its balance. Its mouth is adorned with four long, sharp and
strong teeth, which it uses to gnaw on anything it finds interesting. The nose
is keen and helps the rat find food in the most barren locations. On the rare
occasions when the animal is at rest, as when it gorges on food or recuperates
after a successful hunt, it is possible to see that its fur is dark brown,
bordering on black, with a slick, oily sheen.