Rules Reimbursement Policy


Here are some examples of former policies as guidelines when you want one of the Valar to intercede on your behalf. You should find that if a ruling exists which matches your situation then that ruling will stand.

Crash, Lost Gear after Mobdeath

  • Scenario: X died and was about to go retrieve the corpse when the game crashed. Thus all the equipment X had was erased. X seeks reimbursement.
  • Verdict: No reimbursement.
  • Reason: As X is technically dead, the idea of someone looting theirown corpse is not very healthy. Consider yourself lucky if you perform the feat.
  • Subset: X loots the corpse and then the game crashes before your charactersaves. Thus the gear is gone when X returns.

Crash, Looted enemy corpse and lost gear

  • Scenario: X loots or attempts to loot gear from a dead mobile or enemy Y. Game crashes before equipment saves.
  • Verdict: No reimbursement.
  • Reason: The player who looted could have been killed 1 minute later by someone willing to return the gear. Its impossible to say what would happen if there had not been a crash, so we don't speculate.

Pkill, Loss of Alignment by X

  • Scenario: Whitie X pkills Whitie Y. X loses alignment and then suffers for his evilness.
  • Verdict: No action.
  • Reason: X should know what they are doing. Pkill makes you evil, fast.

Pkill, Loss of Alignment by Z

  • Scenario: Whitie X kills Whitie or good mob Y. Z who is grouped with X, also loses alignment, even though Z took no part in the pkill and was opposed to it.
  • Verdict: Restoration of Z's alignment if it was significant. Removal of exp gained by Z. This only happens if Z did not have time to ungroup.
  • Reason: To some extent, Z was an innocent bystander who could not react in time and so should not be penalised.
  • Subset: X pkills Z, causing the loss of alignment. Verdict as above. This is a bug.

Regeneration of a Zone leading to Death

  • Scenario: While exploring a Zone, it regenerates, the mobiles subsequently killing X (eg. locked in a room with large group of aggressive mobs).
  • Verdict: No Reimbursement.
  • Reason: Since these can be predicted, they are avoidable.
  • Subset: If it can be shown that an immortal was to blame for the regeneration (eg. it regenned 4 mins after the last regen) then a full reimbursement will be shown. HOWEVER, don't assume this is the case unless you have evidence!

Server crashes, Player dies

  • Scenario: One of the servers to MUME stops transmitting. The character of the player dies.
  • Verdict: No reimbursement.
  • Reason: How you connect to the game is outside the control of MUME.
  • Subset: Any of a wide variety: site from where you play dies, transatlantic link nonresponsive, sudden lag, your mum picks up the phone etc. All same verdict.

FIRE unreachable

  • Scenario: The site on which MUME runs becomes unreachable from the outside world. An imp cannot connect to rent everyone.
  • Verdict: Reimbursement of exp, tps, age. Reimbursement of some eq is possible, but not guaranteed.
  • Reason: In this case, MUME and FIRE are synonymous and so is not treated in the same way as server crash.

Note: if the game can be crashed or everyone rented or the rent-cost disabled later, then this scenario does not apply.

Immortal wizkills X

  • Scenario: An immortal kills X without just cause.
  • Verdict: Reimbursement.
  • Reason: Immortals are forbidden to interfere in the running of the game in this manner.
  • Subset: The player of the immortal had a grudge against X. Same as above.

NOTE: The above are guidelines, and we choose to ignore them in exceptional circumstances. However, NEVER ever assume that this means you should ask in a hopeless situation on the off chance. If you have any doubts, assume we will not change matters.

See also: Rules Reimbursement