Grey Havens

(Redirected from Grey-Havens)

Grey Havens

   ... but at the Grey Havens of Lindon there abode also a remnant of
    the people of Gil-galad the Elvenking. At times they would wander
    into the lands of Eriador, but for the most part they dwelt near
    the shores of the sea, building and tending the elven-ships
    wherein those of the Firstborn who grew weary of the world set sail
    into the uttermost West. Cirdan the Shipwright was lord of the
    Havens and mighty among the Wise...

                              --- J.R.R. Tolkien, Silmarillion

What is called Grey Havens are the three cities of Mithlond, Harlond and Forlond. In MUME, you can visit the cities of Harlond and Forlond while a ferry will help you to cross the miles of the Gulf that lie between them. You will find all sorts of shops or guilds in these two cities. The area of the Grey Havens is also considered very safe from the growing influence of the dark Shadows in the east and many young adventurers started their journeys here.







Inns and Taverns


1. Harlond

  Map prepared for                                       |pier|
Cirdan the Shipwright,                            +----+ |    |
  Lord of Lindon and                        ____  |crag| |    |
   Guardian of the         ________________/    \_|    +-+    |             +-+
     Grey Havens          /        Spider  ship          rocky|             |a|
   by his kinswoman      | Fish    Garden   yard         shore|             |t|
     and servant         | quay ___________     +-------+     +-------------+o|
   Roanen Alkariel        \    /"""""""""""|   /""""""""|     Cobblestone   |p|
                          _\  /_"""""""""""|   |"| Elven        Street        |
          +--------------/      \""""""+---+   |"| village   +----------+   |w|
          |       Fish    Fish-  +----+|thief  |"+-+   +-+   |""""""""""| R |a|
          |Ferry  quay   market _ Inn ||guild  |"""|   |"|   +-------+""| a |l|
          |dock  +--------+    |"|    |+---+   |"""+---+"|    cleric |""| m |l|
          +-+    |""""""""|    |"+----+""""|   |"""""""""|     guild |""| p +-+
            |    |""""""""|    |"""""""""""|   |"""""""""|   +-------+""| a |
            |    +--------+  R +----------+|   +---++----+   |""""""""""| r |
            |     Herbalist  o weaponsmith||  Star-||Mage    +----------+ t |
            |                p  (Faldor's)||  light||Guild      orchard     |
            |Herb+--------+  e +----------+| Garden|+----+   +----------+ R +-+
            |quay|""""""""|  m |"""""""""""|   +---+"""""|   |""""""""""| d.|t|
            |    |""""""""|  a |"+----+""""| C |"+-------+   |"+--------+   |o|
            |    |""""""""|  k |"|yard|""""| e |"|Library    |"|guardpost    w|
            |    |""""""""|  e |"|    |""""| n |"+------+    |"+--------+   |e|
   +--------+    +--+"+---+  r |"|    |""""| t |""""""""|    |"+""""""+"|   |r|
   |  Pier     Sail |"|Rope  s |"|    +----+ r +------+"|    |"|bakery|"|   +-+
   |of Grey   makers|"|works   |"|  Crab     a Warrior|"/    +-+      +-+   |_
   | Havens         |"|      S |"|   Alley   l  Guild |"|Fountain          Main
   +--------+   +---+"+---+  t.|"|  +------+   +------+"| Square           Gate
            |   |"""""""""|    |"|  |""""""| S |""""""""\    +-+      +-+   +-
        +---+   |"+-------+    +-+  |"+----+ t.+-----+"""|   |"|      |"| R |
        | Grand |"|Seagull Osse's   |"|tailor  armour|"""| M |"|grocer|"| a |
        |   Quay|"| Inn     Well    |"| shop    shop |"""| a |"+------+"| m |
        |P  +---+"|reception   +----+"+----+   +-----+"""| i |""""""""""| p |
        |e  |"""""+--------+   |"""""""""""|   |"""""""""| n |""""""""""| a |
        |l Q|"| s |""""""""|   |"""""""""""|   |"""""""""|   |""""""""""| r |
+-----+ |a u|"| t |""""""""|   |""""+------+   +-------+"| R +----------+ t |
|light| |r a|"| a +------+"|   |""""| park      Courier|"| d.|          |   |
|house| |g y|"| b   Pet  |"|   |""""+------+    Service|"|     Ranger's | R |
 \   /  |i  |"| l   shop |"|   |"""""""""""|   +-------+"|       home   / d.|
 |   |  |r  |"| e        |"|   |"""""""""""|   |"""""""""|   |              |
++   +--+   +-+-----     +-+   +-----------+   +---------+   |___    _/     |
|Light    Light           Valinor                                           |
| Jetty    Court            Street          Main Road                 Havens|
+-------------------------+-   -+---------+    +---+    ++   +-----+   Park |
                          |watch|        /     |"""/    ||   \      \_______|
                          |tower|  +----+ grove|+-+     ||    +---+  
                          +-----+  |vine-      ||Guards'||Cirdan's|
                                   | yards     || Halls ||  home  |

2. Forlond

         Forlond's North Gate
               ######                 _______
    ___________|    |_____________   | Grand |
   | Outdoor          Post Office |  |Library|
   | Meeting         _____________|  |_      |________
   | Grounds        |     _______     |       Osse's  |    ______
 __|                |    |Fishnet|    | S      Temple |   |Sandy |
|                   |    |  Inn  |    | a     ________|   |Beach |
|                   |____|       |____| l    |____________|      |
|  Shaded lane    L    Fountain Court   m     Elm Garden         |
|       _______   h  _________________  o  r  ________           |
|      |       |  u |                 | n  o |        | Sparkling|
|      | ______|  n |_________________|    a |_______ |          |
|      ||Tailor's         Gildor's      r  d   Small ||   Pond   |
|      ||Shop         Weapon and Armour u    Barracks||          |   ______
|______||______      _________________  n    ________||______    |  |      |
               |    |                 |     |                |   |  | Marsh|
      _________|  S |_________________|     |_______         |   |  |      |
     |Guild of    t      General       Fish   Jewel |  ______|   |__|      |
     |the Arcane  r       Store       Market  Store | |                    |
     |__________  e  _________________       __     | | Sandy      Swampy  |
     __________|  e |_______  ________|     |__|    |_| Shore    Shoreline |
    | Garrison    t         || Fishing                   |"""""""""""""""""
    |__________      Stables||  Yard        Ship  Ferry  |      . .  .    .
       ________|     _______||_________     Dock  Dock   |  .    .
      |Fishermen's  |__________________|     ___________/
      |Supply       Grand    Textile  Fish  |    .     .      .    .     .
      |Shop   __    Quay     Quay     Quay  |
   ___|      |  |     _____________________/ .       .   . . .       .
  |          |__|    |              _____||____
  |       Shipyard   |            _/FishingBoat|
  |_     ___________/              \___________|      .       .         .
   |   /
   |  |        .             .         .         .        .       .
  /    \.  .       .            .                      .       .       .
 |Light-|                     THE  GULF  OF  LHUN
 |House | .         .       .          .      .          .       .
 |______|       .        .          .          .              .        .

Map of Middle-Earth
Cities of the Free People Harlond/ForlondBelegostFornostBreeTharbadRivendellCaras GaladhonIngrove
Fortresses of the Dark Lord WarrensNOC  –  ZOC
Locations in Mume ShireTower HillsFangornDunlandEregionMoriaMirkwoodRohanOERABRMisty Mountains