Re: Last 4 hours gone

Date:Sat Oct 6 15:30:28 2001
For the people who are really interested.. an annotated history log!

bash-2.04$ history
  973  cd ~arda/run                 <-- This is the typo, should been ~/run
  974  ./dmserver -p 4321 -s 4321   
  975  ./dmserver -p 4321 -s 4321   <-- hm dmserver isn't starting properly
  976  pwd                          <-- brain not on, don't see the error
  977  mv lib lib.old               <-- preparing to copy ~lib from ~arda/run..
  978  rm -rf lib.old&              <-- oops, just nuked ALL files..
[.. some seconds pass, mume starts complaining a lot]
  979  pwd                          <-- Discovery.. time to shut down and
                                        find a backup..

- Ilie