The Chief of Tharbad has managed to make the citizens of Tharbad busy. With a
combination of threats, occasional disappearances and bribes, he has managed
to build new alleys and clear a path down to the polluted part of the
Greyflood that flows through Tharbad. Two new gates have been built to guard
the river. They are now manned with poorly paid Guards.
An old man has arrived to Tharbad to claim his area of expertise. He is now
teaching young footpads some useful tricks.
Círdan is now sending a ship from Grey Havens to Tharbad in an effort to
increase trade.
Credits goes to:
Final Builder.......: Axel
Proofer.............: Quillis
Supervisor..........: Namo
Mudlle..............: Gothmog, Thor, Nienor
Original Builders...: Indigo, Mint
Original Supervisor.: Ressaven
Thanks..............: Indigo (room descs and mobs)
Deor, Aredhel (testing, some proofing)
Draught, Fror, Nienor