By the orders of the chieftain, the Zaugurz orcs have adapted for their ends
some of the practices of the whiteskins.
Rumour has it that their sworn enemies, the Tarkhnarb orcs, watch their
progress as closely as they can and might adopt this new order should it prove
Out of character, this means the follows:
- Zaugurz justice should now function similarly to the justice of the cities of
Free People.
- If you attack a Zaugurz mobile, you will be asked to leave a few times and
then will become wanted.
- Unlike in the cities of the Free People, you cannot follow a guard to jail.
- Dying to the guards will make them forget your crimes.
- Typing 'complain' will tell you if you are wanted.
- Weapon-wielding and attacking fellow players should not be considered
Please report any anomalies in the justice of Zaugurz caves (or even justice
of the other cities) that you may notice following this change.
Please report also any Zaugurz justice messages that do not sound very
orc-like. Proposals of better messages would be very much appreciated.