/* This is not from the management, but a players' initiative. */
/* Posted on the behalf of Sarinda: */
Currently, Eis and I are organising a Winter MUME-Meeting after the very
successful meeting organised by Estonian players last summer. This winter
meeting will take place in Innsbruck, Austria, from February 11 to February 14,
2005. Many people have already announced their interest in showing up there for
skiing, snowboarding, and having a lot of fun! If you are interested as well,
please visit our homepage and sign up:
For all those who have already registered: Please let us - Sarinda or Eis -
know when you intend to arrive, how long you are going to stay and what you
plan to do during your stay in Innsbruck! You find a form for filling in the
information on the homepage under "Registration".
I hope that many of you will manage to come to Innsbruck in February! I am sure
it is going to be a lot of fun!
See you in Innsbruck,