
Date:Sat Dec 16 15:42:15 1995
Here are the results of the first questionnaire ran 2 monthes ago. A new
questionnaire has been run since and its statistics will be computed at the
end of this year. Check 'help form' for details.

Note that if you already have answered it you can change your answers by
typing 'answer' (with the same char you used).

--- Former statistics ---

194 answers on this first questionnaire.

How old are you?
Mean:    23.1856
Std dev: 4.42306

15-  1.03%    20  10.82%    25   9.28%  30   2.06%    35+  1.03%
16   3.09%    21  12.37%    26   4.12%  31   1.03%
17   1.03%    22  12.37%    27   5.15%  32   1.03%
18   3.09%    23  13.40%    28   1.03%  33   1.55%
19   5.15%    24   8.25%    29   1.03%  34   2.06%

49% of Mume population is in [20, 23].

What is your sex?
 5.67% Female
94.33% Male

What is your marrital status?
10.82% Married
89.18% Single

What is your profession?
 2.06% Unemployed
 3.09% Other
24.74% Employed
70.10% Student

In what country do you live in?
0.52% Mexico     0.52% Oman      1.55% Italy         4.64% UK
0.52% Germany    0.52% Portugal  1.55% Switzerland   7.22% Norway
0.52% Australia  1.03% Czech     2.06% Canada       20.62% Sweden
0.52% Iceland    1.03% Russia    3.09% Estonia      47.94% USA
0.52% Singapore  1.03% Denmark   4.64% Finland

When did you start playing Mume?
Mean:     Mid November 1993 (which is more or less Mume current half-life)
Variance: 12.29 monthes.

By trimester:
92-1  4.12%   93-1  7.73%   94-1  7.22%   95-1  7.73%
92-2  3.61%   93-2  7.73%   94-2  4.64%   95-2  4.12%
92-3  5.67%   93-3  5.15%   94-3  7.73%   95-3  4.12%
92-4  7.73%   93-4  8.76%   94-4 11.34%   Oct95 2.58%

By year:
92   21.13%   93   29.37%   94   30.93%   95    18.55p%

How did you hear about Mume?
 2.05% Magazine
 3.59% WEB
 6.67% Another Mud
 8.21% Newsgroup
16.41% Other
63.08% Friend

How many characters do you own currently?
Mean:    4.31959
Std dev: 2.71895

Mume database owns currently 3915 characters, which gives an estimation of Mume
global population of 906 players.

Do you own an Ainur?
36.08% yes
63.92% no

How many 'darkie' characters do you own?
Mean:    1.51031 (Implies 2.44849 'whities')
Std dev: 1.47222

30.41% of Mume players own no darkie.

For those who at least own one:
  Mean:    2.17037
  Std dev: 1.29695

How many 'legend' characters (level 21+) do you own?
Mean:    1.56186
Std dev: 1.77287

32.99% of Mume players own no legend.

For those who at least own one:
  Mean:    2.16429
  Std dev: 1.74688

What is the highest mortal level you reached?
Mean:    26.4794
Std dev: 9.04753

How many hours do you spend on Mume weekly?
Mean:    20.8608
Std dev: 16.4807 (Pretty high)

8.76% of the population spend 3 hours or less on Mume weekly. Considering them
retired from the game (or board readers), the estimation of Mume active
population comes to 827 players (Their mean playing time is then 22.6836).

Opinion about Mume game system?
 2.06% Bad       (0)
 9.28% Correct   (1)
52.06% Good      (2)
36.60% Excellent (3)

On these values  (^):
Mean:    2.23196 (Good)
Std dev: 0.698163

Opinion about Mume management?
11.34% Bad       (0)
23.20% Correct   (1)
51.03% Good      (2)
14.43% Excellent (3)

On these values  (^):
Mean:    1.68557 (Correct-Good)
Std dev: 0.855002

From where do you play?
 2.06% Other
 5.67% Office
 8.25% School
41.75% University
42.27% Home

What Operating system do you use?
 1.03% WinNT
 2.06% OS2
 3.61% VMS
 5.15% Win95
 6.19% Other
 7.22% XWindows
 7.73% MacOS
 8.76% Win3.x
19.59% MSDOS
38.66% Unix-like

What client do you use?
 6.70% Powwow
 8.76% Other
19.59% Tintin
22.68% Cancan
42.27% None

Thanks to all.
