Questionnaire Results!

Date:Fri Apr 7 17:18:18 2000
Here are the results of the MUME questionnaire which was ran from 10 Feb 2000
to 4 Apr 2000. We collected 315 answers (vs 308 two years ago). Thanks to all.

1. How old are you?

Mean:    23.3905
Std dev: 5.54948

14-: 3.49%   15 : 3.81%   20 : 7.94%   25 : 9.84%   30 : 2.54%   35+: 2.85%
             16 : 3.49%	  21 : 8.25%   26 : 6.03%   31 : 2.54%
             17 : 3.17%	  22 : 6.03%   27 : 6.03%   32 : 0.95%
             18 : 4.44%	  23 : 4.76%   28 : 6.35%   33 : 2.22%
             19 : 6.03%   24 : 5.40%   29 : 2.54%   34 : 1.27%

66.66% of the MUME population is in [19, 28]. MUME, the new generation, 
has arrived: 24.43% of the population is less than 20 years old.

2. What is your sex?

Female         : 6.35%
Male           : 93.65%

Slightly better repartition than in '98 (was 4%/96%).

3. What is your marrital status?

Widdowed       :  0.00%
Divorced       :  0.95%
Married        : 12.06%
Couple         : 19.37%
Single         : 67.62%

4. What is your occupation?

Retired         :  0.00%
Family-Keeper   :  0.63%
Other           :  2.54%
Unemployed      :  3.81%
Employed-Student:  8.57%
Employed        : 37.46%
Student         : 46.98%

5. In what country do you live?

Brazil         : 0.32%     Latvia         : 0.95%     Netherlands    :  2.86%  
Iceland        : 0.32%	   New Zealand    : 0.63%     Finland        :  3.81%  
Oman           : 0.32%	   Spain          : 0.95%     Canada         :  4.13%  
Portugal       : 0.32%	   Switzerland    : 0.95%     UK             :  4.13% 
Russia         : 0.32%	   Australia      : 1.27%     Norway         :  5.71%
Slovakia       : 0.32%	   Germany        : 1.27%     Sweden         : 13.97%  
Venezuela      : 0.32%	   Italy          : 1.90%     Estonia        : 14.60%  
France         : 0.63%	   Czech Republic : 2.22%     USA            : 34.92%  
Poland         : 0.63%     Denmark        : 2.22%

6. When did you start playing MUME?

As usual these results are quite subjective (people seem to overestimate their
addiction ;-).

1991-4 : 0.63%     1992 :  6.35%     1996 : 10.79%     2000-1 : 3.17%
		   1993 :  7.94%     1997 : 13.02%  
		   1994 : 11.11%     1998 : 14.29%  
		   1995 : 13.02%     1999 : 19.68%  

Mean:    August 1995 (exactly MUME's half life).
Std dev: 28.3 monthes.

7. How did you hear about MUME?

Netzine        :  0.00%    Newsgroup      :  1.27%     Web-page       :  3.49%
E-Mail         :  0.00%	   Unknown        :  2.22%     Other          :  4.76%
Internet-Forum :  0.63%	   Another-mud    :  2.54%     Mudlist        : 11.75%
Mud-review     :  1.27%	   Magazine       :  3.49%     Friend         : 68.57%

8. How many 'whitie' characters (humans, elves...) do you own on MUME?

0 :  2.54%    4 : 14.60%     8 :  2.86%    12 :  0.63%
1 : 14.92%    5 : 10.16%     9 :  3.17%    13 :  0.32% 
2 : 16.51%    6 :  5.71%    10 :  2.54%	   14 :  0.00%
3 : 21.90%    7 :  2.86%    11 :  0.63%	   15 :  0.63%

Mean:    3.82222
Std dev: 2.66312

9.  How many 'darkie' characters (orcs, trolls...) do you own on MUME?

0 : 26.03%    4 : 8.25%      8 : 2.86%
1 : 17.46%    5 : 8.89%      9 : 0.95%
2 : 16.51%    6 : 4.44%     10 : 0.32%
3 : 12.70%    7 : 1.59%  

Mean:    2.38413
Std dev: 2.26535

10. Do you own an Ainur (God) on MUME?

yes : 40.00%
no  : 60.00%

Counting 'whities', 'darkies' and 'Ainur', that gives an average of 6.60635
characters per player. MUME's player database currently counting 8485 entries,
a rough estimation of the MUME's global population amounts to 1284 players
(vs 1077 in '98). 

This estimation is quite consistent with the 1410 (of 1774) accounts that own 
played chars. Also, many players owning an Ainur answered this questionnaire 
since only 18% of the accounts own an Ainu (which is far from the above 40%).

11. How many 'whitie legend' characters (level 26+) do you own on MUME?

0 : 36.51%     4 : 8.25%      8 : 1.27%
1 : 22.54%     5 : 3.17%      9 : 0.95%
2 : 12.06%     6 : 2.54%     10 : 0.63%
3 :  9.52%     7 : 2.22%     11 : 0.32%

Mean:    1.83492
Std dev: 2.21783

12. How many 'darkie legend' characters do you own on Mume?

0 : 61.90%     4 : 4.76%      8 : 0.32%
1 : 12.70%     5 : 3.17%
2 :  8.57%     6 : 1.59%
3 :  5.71%     7 : 1.27%

Mean:    1.02857
Std dev: 1.69663

13. What is the highest mortal level you reached on MUME?

 1- 5 : 1.27%     21-25 :  7.30%     41-45 : 7.30%     61-65 : 0.95%
 6-10 : 2.54%	  26-30 : 23.81%     46-50 : 7.30%     66-70 : 0.63%
11-15 : 7.94%	  31-35 : 13.65%     51-55 : 4.76%       71+ : 0.32%
16-20 : 8.57%	  36-40 : 11.75%     56-60 : 1.90%

Mean:    31.6127 (same as in '98).
Std dev: 12.9865 (high).

14. Do you roleplay your characters?

Never          : 4.44%
Rarely         : 18.73%
Sometimes      : 35.87%
Often          : 30.16%
Always         : 10.79%

15. Are your characters involved in player killing?

Never          : 11.75%
Rarely         : 16.51%
Sometimes      : 26.03%
Often          : 26.67%
Always         : 19.05%

16. How many hours do you spend on MUME weekly?

Mean:    21.1143
Std dev: 17.4968 (high, different play styles)

    0 :  2.22%     16-20 : 16.83%     36-40 :  6.67%
 1- 5 : 13.65%	   21-25 :  7.94%     41-45 :  0.95%
 6-10 : 17.46%	   26-30 :  7.94%     46-50 :  4.13%
11-15 : 15.24%	   31-35 :  2.54%     51+   :  4.44%

9.21% of the MUME population spends 3 hours or less on MUME weekly. Considering
them as retired from the game (or board readers), the estimation of the active
population drops from 1284 to 1166 players [from 1410 to 1280 considering
played accounts].

17. Do you play MUME from the same room as your friends?

Always         :  5.08%
Sometimes      : 35.87%
Never          : 59.05%

18. What is your opinion on MUME's game system?

Awful          :  0.32%
Bad            :  3.81%
Correct        :  6.98%
Good           : 53.97%
Excellent      : 34.92%

19. What is your opinion on MUME's world?

Awful          : 0.32%
Bad            : 1.59%
Correct        : 6.35%
Good           : 45.08%
Excellent      : 46.67%

20. What is your opinion on MUME's management?

Awful          :  1.27%
Bad            :  7.30%
Correct        : 28.25%
Good           : 50.48%
Excellent      : 12.70%

21. In what position do you rank MUME (1: Best mud, 2: Second best, etc)?

5+             : 0.63%
4              : 0.32%
3              : 1.59%
2              : 4.76%
1              : 92.70%

22. Did you play other MUDs before MUME?

yes            : 49.21%
no             : 50.79%

23. Do you play other muds than MUME?

yes            : 24.76%
no             : 75.24%

24. Where do you play MUME from?

Internet-Cafe  :  0.00%
Other          :  1.90%
School         :  3.17%
Office         : 14.60%
University     : 21.59%
Home           : 58.73%

25. What kind of connection do you use to play MUME?

Modem          : 37.46%
ISDN           : 16.83%
ADSL           :  4.13%
CableModem     :  9.21%
T1             : 18.10%
T2             :  4.13%
T3             : 10.16%

26. Do you use the MUME servers?

Always         : 20.32%
Sometimes      : 32.06%
Never          : 47.62%

27. Do you suffer 'lag'?

Never          :  2.22%
Rarely         : 19.05%
Sometimes      : 40.95%
Often          : 28.25%
Always         :  9.52%

28. What kind of Client do you use?

PMF            : 0.00%
CS             : 0.32%
TinyFugue      : 2.86%
Tintin         : 7.30%
Cancan         : 7.62%
None           : 10.79%  (was 23% two years ago)
Other          : 17.78%  (huh? which?)
Powwow         : 21.27%
zMUD           : 32.06%

29. What kind of Operating System do you use to play MUME?

                 Now           In '98

FreeBSD        :  0.00%         -
VMS            :  0.00%        	0.35%    
BeOS           :  0.00%         -
OS/2           :  0.00%         0.71%
Win3x          :  0.63%         4.26%
MSDOS          :  2.22%         3.55%
Win2K          :  2.86%         -
Other          :  3.17%         2.48%
MacOS          :  3.49%         7.09%
Unix           : 10.16%        31.21%
WinNT          : 10.16%         7.09%
Linux          : 20.32%         -
Win9x          : 46.98%        43.26%
MS Empire      : 62.85%        58.16%
Unix Rebels    : 30.48%        31.21%
Lost souls     :  6.66%        10.63%

Thanks again for answering the questionnaire, next questionnaire next MU ;-)
